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Sebati or crysanthemum

Sebati or crysanthemum
From my point of view it is the best flowering plant to grow in pots(fula kunda). A single plant produces about 50-80 flowers and the flower remains fresh for about 3-4 weeks. The most important thing about this plant is once you bought this plant there is no need to buy it again as the plant remains alive through the summer and again it will bloom in the next year if you take a little care.
            It can be grown in any kind of soil. The small plant are available in the plant stores between the month september to december. But it is better for you if buy the plant the in the month september or if available before because the plant can get sufficient time to grow before get blooming in the winter season. Pinching should be done once or twice before the october 15 to improve the bushiness of the plant and to get more no of flowers. It will flower in between novermber last to december first week. The flower will remain about 3-4 weeks. After flowering is done cut the plant around 3 inches from the base keeping 2-8 small leaves.

Propagation Method

This plant can be propagated by stem cutting. The cuttings should    be made between july 15 to september when the climate is humid and in the afternoon. Deep the cuttings into the soil and cover it with a plastic bag to get extra humidity. Add some water as needed and check them in the morning time  of each day if it needs water. The cuttings will get roots within 3-4 weeks. Now it is ready to be planted in the pots or containers.


You can add compost to the soil or few quantity of DAP fertilizer  to improve the flower size and quantity.


Change the soils of the container in every two year unless you may not get that no. of flowers as in the first season.

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